Hydrogen in Marine Applications: exploring fuel cells with Ballard Power Systems

Hooper Quinn joined our project partners at Ballard Power Systems in Hobro, Denmark last week for formal training with their fuel cells. Founded in Canada, Ballard began working on the development of fuel cells in 1983 and have made significant gains towards their vision of clean power production in a sustainable world. Ballard's proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells can already be found in a range of zero-emission transport networks, and with thousands of units in operation across the globe—in buses, commercial trucks, trains, and marine vessels, as well as stationary power—Ballard have done much to promote hydrogen fuel cells as a key technology in the electrification of energy.

Ballard's industry-leading Training Academy provides a platform for up-skilling engineers and technicians in the operation and maintenance of fuel cell systems. Our particular course focused on the preventative and corrective maintenance of their Marine Fuel Cell product, the FCWave—the world’s first type-approved module for marine applications, which uses proven technology from Ballard's heavy duty module platform to deliver reliable performance and high power density in an easy-to-service package.

The FCWave marks a significant step in bringing zero-emission power to marine vessels. Integrated into a clean-lined cabinet with easy access doors, it is tested and certified by DNV for operation in marine environments, and, by combining multiple modules, has a scalable power output from 200 kilowatts to megawatts, thereby covering a broad range of potential marine applications.

Our Chief Engineer completed three days of training in Denmark, with a view to deepening Hooper Quinn’s knowledge of and involvement in fuel cell technology. As you can see, we got up-close and personal with the FCWave! Successful completion of the training means Hooper Quinn now have the requisite knowledge to control, operated, service and integrate the FCWave. 


HQ is committed to expanding its involvement in the fuel cell industry, and we're excited to continue working alongside our partners in developing integration solutions which will enable a future where a range of alternative fuels are available to the marine industry.

Huge thanks to the Ballard team and a shout out to Adnane for a thoroughly engaging and informative training week. We're thrilled to be working more closely with the great people at Ballard this year.


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